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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


How To Add Percentage (%) Loader To Your Site

By Anshuman Trivedi on 2/13/2017

Recently in my current project there was a requirement of client to add Percentage Loader while the components of site is loading.

I thought of writing this function to add Percentage Loader .


Step1:   HTML part -





      <div id="overlay">

                <div id="progstat"></div>

                <div id="progress"></div>


      <div id="containerdd">

                  // all page data




Step2:  Add CSS -




#overlay{position:fixed; z-index:99999; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.9); transition: 1s 0.4s;}

#progress{height:1px; background:#fff; position:absolute; width:0; top:50%;}

#progstat{font-size:0.7em; letter-spacing: 3px; position:absolute; top:50%; margin-top:-40px; width:100%; text-align:center; color:#fff;}



Step3:   Write Script-




  function id(v){return document.getElementById(v); }

  function loadbar() {

    var ovrl = id("overlay"),

        prog = id("progress"),

        stat = id("progstat"),

        docFile = document.images,

        c = 0;

        tot = docFile.length;


    function documentLoaded(){

      c += 1;

      var perc = ((100/tot*c) << 0) +"%";

      prog.style.width = perc;

      stat.innerHTML = "Loading "+ perc;

      if(c===tot) return doneLoading();


    function doneLoading(){

      ovrl.style.opacity = 0;


        ovrl.style.display = "none";

      }, 1200);


    for(var i=0; i<tot; i++) {

      var tDocumentData     = new Image();

      tDocumentData.onload  = documentLoaded;

      tDocumentData.onerror = documentLoaded;

      tDocumentData.src     = docFile[i].src;



  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadbar, false);




Step4-  Save and Publish .

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