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Term: Security Testing
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Penetration Testing: Three ways to replicate initial access

By Himanshu on 11/8/2023

The majority of ransomware groups concentrate on three typical first access strategies in order to infiltrate vital web applications and infrastructure of businesses and, most likely, sell their most valuable assets. 

  1. Leveraging finely customized phishing attacks

The most popular method used by threat actors to initiate ransomware assaults is phishing. Individuals and staff members at all organizational levels are the main targets of phishing attacks, even if they don't own enough sensitive data to serve as an evil hacker's point of entry into the company's network. An effective technique for teaching staff members to recognize and report cyber threats is to simulate phishing attacks. To find out how to mimic a phishing assault, view this tutorial.

Testing Tools
Non Functional Testing
Penetration Testing
Performance Testing
Security Testing
Software Testing

Post-Breach Analysis and Recovery Testing

By Himanshu on 8/15/2023

Post-Breach Analysis and Recovery Testing

In today's digital landscape, the specter of data breaches looms large over businesses and organizations of all sizes. Despite the best security measures, breaches can still occur, potentially causing irreparable damage to an organization's reputation, finances, and trust among stakeholders. While prevention is crucial, a well-defined post-breach analysis and recovery testing strategy can be the lifeline that helps businesses rebound and fortify their defenses. In this blog, we'll delve into the key steps involved in post-breach analysis and recovery testing, highlighting their importance, and offering guidance on navigating the aftermath of a security breach.

Manual Testing
recovery testing
security breaches
Security Testing

Working with Third-Party Web Security Services

By Himanshu on 8/6/2023

Navigating the Digital Frontier: Working with Third-Party Web Security Services

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, web security has become a paramount concern for businesses and individuals alike. The increasing complexity of cyber threats demands robust solutions that go beyond traditional measures. This is where third-party web security services step in. These specialized services offer a range of tools and expertise to fortify your online presence against a myriad of threats. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits, considerations, and best practices for working with third-party web security services.

Manual Testing
Security Testing
third party

Securing the Backbone of Modern Web Applications

By Himanshu on 7/31/2023

Securing the Backbone of Modern Web Applications

In today's digital era, web applications serve as the backbone of businesses and organizations worldwide. From e-commerce platforms to online banking and social media networks, web applications facilitate seamless user experiences and provide essential services. However, the increasing reliance on web applications also makes them attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, data theft, and reputational damage. Securing the backbone of modern web applications has become a critical priority to safeguard sensitive information and maintain user trust. This blog will explore the key aspects of web application security and the measures to ensure robust protection against evolving cyber threats.

Manual Testing
Security Testing

Exploring Web Security Beyond Code

By Himanshu on 7/21/2023

Exploring Web Security Beyond Code

In today's digital age, where everything is connected and accessible through the internet, ensuring the security of web applications and websites is of paramount importance. While developers focus on writing secure code and implementing robust security measures, web security goes beyond just the code. It encompasses various aspects, including infrastructure, network security, user awareness, and more. In this blog, we will delve into the world of web security beyond code, highlighting essential factors and strategies to enhance the overall security posture of web applications.

Manual Testing
Security Testing

How to Perform a Secure Vulnerability Scan for Web Apps

By Himanshu on 7/14/2023

How to Perform a Secure Vulnerability Scan for Web Apps

Web applications have become an integral part of businesses, but they also pose security risks if not properly protected. Conducting regular vulnerability scans for web apps is crucial to identify potential weaknesses and fortify your online presence. In this blog, we will explore the steps to perform a secure vulnerability scan for web apps, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and maintaining the trust of your users.

Manual Testing
Security Testing

An Overview of Web Security Tests

By Himanshu on 7/2/2023

An Overview of Web Security Tests


Web security testing is a critical component of ensuring the safety and integrity of any website or online system. This type of testing helps to identify and protect against potential threats and vulnerabilities in the system and helps to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. In this guide, we will provide an overview of web security testing, the importance of conducting such tests, the various types of tests used, and the process of conducting web security testing.

Manual Testing
Security Testing

Security Tests on Mobile Apps

By Himanshu on 6/21/2023

Security Tests on Mobile Apps :

Running security tests on mobile app is necessary. A development team must identify the security weaknesses within their mobile applications before they release the app, find ways to mitigate those risks, and hopefully implement necessary safeguards to serve as preventative measures to protect their users' data.

The ever-evolving landscape of mobile devices needs to be consistently updated with secure solutions to protect against vulnerabilities and potentially compromised data. To meet this, frequent security testing in the development process is key.

mobile app testing
Security Testing
steps for security testing

Conducting Risk Assessments for Web Security Testing

By Himanshu on 6/16/2023

Conducting Risk Assessments for Web Security Testing


A risk assessment is used to evaluate web security risks and determine what controls need to be implemented to protect the organization's data. The estimate should include identifying assets and determining which assets are most important to protect. Areas to consider include networks, web applications, databases, mobile applications, and user devices.

The risk assessment should begin with an analysis of the threat landscape, a list of potential risks, and a characterization of those risks based on the organization's security policies. After that, the organization should determine which chances are the most likely to be exploited and which assets need to be protected. Countermeasures should then be developed to reduce the likelihood of attacks, and monitoring should be implemented to detect them. Finally, verifications should be run to ensure that the controls are implemented correctly.

Risk assesment
Security Testing

Security Testing and Its types

By Himanshu on 6/11/2023

Security Testing and Its types

Security testing is the process of validating the security of an organization's IT environment to identify vulnerabilities and minimize risk. It is a critical part of any software development and deployment process as it helps ensure the protection of an organization’s assets from unauthorized access, malicious activity, and data breaches.

Security Testing
Software Testing
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