How to create a new theme in
SharePoint 2013?
In SharePoint 2013 we have an option to create a new theme & apply it or existing theme to change the Look & Feel of the site.
You can also apply themes on out of the box Master Pages & custom Master Pages.
Theming is a good option to change the look & feel of the site.
To create new themes first go to site setting, Under the Web Designer Galleries click on composed looks.
Please see the below screen shot.
You will see many themes listed in the List. These are share point default themes.
For creating a new theme please click on New Item Link inside the + sign.
You will see a form where you need to enter the required fields.
Ø In the Title Box put the Title Name of the theme.
Ø In the Name box put the Name of the theme.
Ø In the Master Page URL Put the URL of the Master Page like
You will see the next column that is Theme URL. Theme Gallery contains the list of Color Palettes and Font Schemes that are make-up Themes in SharePoint 2013. SharePoint looks in the 15 folder (/_catalogs/theme/15/) to determine the available Color palettes and Font schemes.
To access the Theme Gallery navigate to Site Settings -> under Web Designer Galleries -> Themes.
To change the color style you just Download & open it into SharePoint Designer or in to the Notepad.
You need to Change the Values or Colors for the Site Name Properties. We modified the WebPartHeading & Page Background properties as highlighted below.
After modifying please re-name the file and Upload in the “Themes” folder.