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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


Different Ways Of Sending Data From Controller To View

By Anurag on 7/22/2014

With the advent of MVC it is imperative for all programmers to understand the different ways this framework provides to share data from Controller to View. Each solution has its pros and cons. But my advice to you is stick to the method which is most comfortable to you and accepted by your team lead.


What is new in MVC 5.1

By Sudeep on 7/21/2014

Some of the biggest advantages of ASP.NET MVC are that it is built on a solid tried and tested MVC architecture and the removal of view state concept. Added to that is the beautiful concept of separation of concern through Views and Controllers. Microsoft keeps on adding to this frame work and in a very short period of time it has reached its version 5. We look into some new features introduced in version 5 and version 5.1. This information has been gathered from Microsoft site and msdn.

Visual Studio 2013

Scheduling Services in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013

By Anurag on 4/28/2014

It is allow you to view your organization’s daily, weekly and monthly schedule of service activities and appointments.

The key functional areas and entities used for scheduling a service in the Service Calendar are given below:

  • Resources
  • Work Hours / Capacity
  • Resource Groups
  • Sites
  • Selection Rules
  • Services

MS CRM 2013
Scheduling Services

Create a Marketing List and Add Members in MS CRM 2013.

By Anurag on 4/20/2014
In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Marketing lists is a related to groups of accounts, contacts, or leads. You can add any member type (Accounts, Contacts or Leads) in marketing lists. A Marketing list can only contain one record type. If you want to add member type (Account) in marketing list. Then you can see the screen shot and follow these steps below.
MS CRM 2013
Add Members
Marketing List

Change Marketing List View Layouts in CRM 4.0

By Anurag on 4/20/2014

You create a marketing list in MS CRM, when list will be created, then will contain typical fields required for a marketing list, such as Full name, Company Name, Business Phone and City/Suburb. If you want to change the fields or add the new fields for example E-mail appear in the view? But you cannot be change the fields or add new fields in customization area of the UI. Then you can by using the Advanced Find feature.

Dynamics CRM 4.0
Marketing List

Field Mapping in Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011

By Makrand Hardey on 4/11/2014

You may come across many scenario where you need to map fields of two different entities suppose entity X & entity Y, so that data will be transfer over to other entity.

Field Mapping

N: N Relationship In Dynamic CRM 2011

By Makrand Hardey on 4/11/2014

It is the easiest but with most limitation. Use when you only need to know that two records are connected to each other but you don’t need additional details (instances) about the connection. When an entity X is associated to entity Y directly then it forms N: N relationship.

N: N Relationship

How to Create a Custom Dashboard by Using MS CRM 2013

By Anurag on 4/9/2014

It is used for Sales, Service and Marketing. Dashboards in Microsoft Dynamics CRM provide an overview of business data; actionable information that is viewable across the organization.

You can create two types of dashboard:

System Dashboard: A system dashboard is used provide the all users in the organization, and you can be set as the default dashboard for the Organization and you can be changed the default dashboard for the Organization.

User Dashboards: it is used according to user. An individual user owns a user dashboard. You can be assigned to other users or teams. A user dashboard can be set as the default dashboard for individual users.

MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2013

Change/Update the Address Included Field in CRM 2013 with Business Rules.

By Anurag on 4/3/2014

Recently CRM Up gradation from 2011 to 2013, in CRM 2011 Address fields (Address Street1, Address Street2, Address Street3, ZIP/Postal Code, City, State and Country/Region) some fields is via Lookups (City, State and Country/Region), it is mentioned on the form but, in CRM 2013 default Address composite field combined all the 7-fields;(Address Street1Address Street2Address Street3ZIP/Postal Code, City, State and Country/Region) mentioned on the form but I cannot replace default fields (City, State and Country/Region) with their new Lookups if we use to Business Rule then I can hide default fields (City, State and Country/Region) and also can mention the rest 3 new Lookups under same section.


MS CRM 2013
Business Rules
Change Address
MS CRM 2013

Validate Alphanumeric value

By Ajay on 3/24/2014

Sometimes we have situations where we have to fill only alphanumeric value in the given field (like: password,user id etc). Alphanumeric value is a combination of alphabets and numeric value.

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