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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


Test Cases to validate Data Migration done for MS CRM

By Himanshu on 9/20/2017
Test cases are set of official inspections planned to validate certain data from the legacy system that should be preserved into the newly migrated application, that is, Test cases are the sets of conditions used to verify that the generated application is working as expected or not. 
MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2016
Data Migration
Data Migration in MS CRM

Receive Multipart/Form-Data in your WebAPI

By Sudeep on 9/13/2017

Recently we were faced with a unique challenge. One of our mobile apps was posting images to our WebAPI as a Multipart/Form-Data but our WebAPI was unable to receive the byte array and returned null each time. The WebAPI in question was written for an older MVC application. For the Mobile App, the problem was the function was not able to use HttpPostedFileBase class. 


Why Should One Consider Moving to The Cloud?

By Himanshu on 9/12/2017

These days we hear so much about cloud computing as it’s been one of the major IT buzz for the past few years, ‘Cloud Computing’ has brought a new era with an incredible promise to the world of information technology. Cloud computing interest among the people has grown rapidly and has led to widespread curiosity and awareness of cloud services amongst the public.

SharePoint 2013
Dynamics CRM
MS CRM 2016

About Dynamics 365 for Sales, Business Edition

By Himanshu on 9/11/2017

From last couple of years Microsoft has been pushing its business solutions very hard to cover as many areas as possible while keeping things simpler. To understand how the Dynamics 365 for Sales, Business Edition came to existence as a separate App. 

Dynamics CRM
Dynamics 365 Business Edition
Dynamics 365 for Sales
MS Dynamics 365 Sales

Get A List Of Blob Files From Azure Storage in C#

By Sudeep on 9/1/2017
This article presents to you a C# application which will get a list of blob files from an Azure Storage. The key part of this method is the container name and the connection string. Thankfully the container is created by you, therefore, you should know the name and the connection string is available to copy on the Azure Storage portal.

How to run TypeScript code on Visual Studio 2015

By Sudeep on 8/7/2017

Often when traditional C# programmers start learning javascript based languages or framework, they are confused by the Linux style compiler options and command line statements. All of us want to use our favorite Visual Studio to write code. The same is true for TypeScript too. It can be a steep learning curve for just setting up the development environment. In this blog post, I will try to simplify it in clear steps and show you how you can get Visual Studio and TypeScript singing together inside an ASP.NET project under 10 minutes. 


Salesforce track field history

By Sudeep on 7/19/2017
How often have you faced this situation as an admin when some employee comes up to you and says that a field in a record which he was working on was changed. In most cases these changes have been made by he user which he simply forgot but as an admin you need solid evidence to show him. Sometimes the complain is genuine, the field value was changed by some other person.

Salesforce tags the best productivity tool for CRM

By Sudeep on 7/19/2017

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for all its innovation and bells and whistles, seems to have completely forgotten about the humble 'tag'. It isn't something that is a new phenomenon , 'tags' have been around for ages. Anybody who has either done blogging or searched for articles has used the power of tags to categorize articles. Salesforce on the other hand has made the 'tag' our best friend. This little innovation makes working in Salesforce CRM a pleasure, specifically for people who hate to search for records through a maze of menus and submenus. In this particular blog post we will be looking at how to use Salesforce tags to increase your productivity

How to change Business Process Flow on the basis of selected value from Option Set

By Anshuman Trivedi on 6/22/2017

Recently in my current project I have 2 Business Process Flow for the same entity and I have to activate or change the Business Process Flow on change of option set value. So for this I thought of writing this script.

MS CRM 2013
Dynamics CRM
MS CRM 2016

Integration between MS Dynamics AX and MS CRM

By Anshuman Trivedi on 6/4/2017

Recently in my current project there was a requirement of client to do integration between MS Dynamics AX 2009 and MS CRM 2016.

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