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Integration between MS Dynamics AX and MS CRM

By Anshuman Trivedi on 6/4/2017

Recently in my current project there was a requirement of client to do integration between MS Dynamics AX 2009 and MS CRM 2016.

This document provides information that you need to know prior to installation of Connector for Microsoft Dynamics. The following sections include upgrade procedures from previous versions of Connector, troubleshooting details, and known issues and workarounds.

Installation and upgrade procedures:

The following sections explain how to install Connector for Microsoft Dynamics and upgrade from existing installations of the application.

Installing Connector for Microsoft Dynamics


1.      Download Connector for Microsoft dynamics.

2.      Skip over the welcome screen by clicking the Next button.

3.      Then the Connection Information page is displayed, enter in the server name where you have MSSQL installed on and then click the Next button.

4.      Then enter in the username and password that you want to use to run the Connector Service that the Connector will create and click on the Next button.

5.      Then click on the Install button to start the installation

6.      Click On Finish.


Configuring the Dynamics AX Connector


1.      Open the Connector For Dynamics AX and click on the Adapter Settings button.

2.      Click on the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 adapter.

3.      Then type in the Domain and also all of the user information and password that you will be using during the integration.

4.      Click on Test Settings and then click on apply.



New Window will open.



Click on Next.

Fill all the required details i.e URL User Name and Password and then click on Get Organizations.


Select Organization and click on NEXT.

Select the entities configure for Integration, and click on NEXT.

Click on Configure.

After completion click on Finish.


Configuring the Dynamics CRM Connector


Now select Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and fill all the required data i.e User Name, Password, URL of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discovery Services, this can be found in Dynamics CRM under Settings\Customizations\Developer Resources.


Configuring the AX to CRM Integration


Now that we have our adapters we can create our integration between Dynamics AX and CRM.

1.      To do this, return to the Connector for Dynamics AX and click on the New Integration button in the menu bar.

2.      This will open up the New Integration dialog box.

Select option From template, Select Application 1 and Application 2.

Click on Create.

Once you selected the integration companies in both CRM and AX next you need to configure mappings.

Synchronizing The CRM Picklists :


  1. Click on the Enumerated Values To Picklist map and then click on the Activate button.
  2. Once you activate a map, you can deactivate it at any time just by clicking on the Deactivate button.
  3. Now click on the Save button in the menu bar.


Enabling the Synchronization Maps


Now we can start synchronizing all of the important data. As an example we can synchronize all of the customer data from Dynamics AX over to CRM.


1.      Select the Customer Service To Account map and then click on the Activate button.

2.      This will now run every 45 seconds to check for new Customer records.

3.      All we need to do to see this in action is to create a new Customer record in AX.

4.      When we return to the Connector we can watch the map for updates.

5.      After a few seconds the map will be processed and the Connector will show that the record was found and updated.


Complete all other required mapping i.e. –

·         AX Contact To Contact

·         Ax Customer To Customer

·         AX Currency To Currency

·         AX Enumerated value To Pick List

·         AX Item To Product

·         AX Order to order


If you look at CRM then you will see a new record has been created…

And all of the pertinent AX data has been moved over as well.

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