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Importance of Regression Testing

By Himanshu on 12/5/2022

About the Regression Testing: -

Regression testing is a kind of software testing used to assess whether newly found issues are the consequence of code modifications. A code is tested before a change is implemented. Software tester needs to do regression testing after a change is made, the code is retested in a few key places to see if the modification introduced any new defects or problems or if it served its intended goal.
In an Agile development environment where an incremental development methodology is used, regression testing is frequently used. In an incremental development strategy, new functionality and features are regularly introduced in an application. 

Why Regression Testing is important for an application: -

•    Regression testing boosts tester ability to find defects brought on by modifications to software and applications, such as any new feature additions or bug fixes.
•    Regression testing also identifies harmful consequences when an application is ported to another platform.
•    An application typically undergoes a number of tests before the modifications are implemented into the main development version. The last step, regression testing, verifies the  overall behaviors of the application.
•    It helps to maintain the system's stability. Before the system is made available to users, it can be helpful to find and correct any flaws.

Types of Regression Testing: -

  • Unit Regression Testing

Unit Regression testing is carried out during the initial unit testing phase which tests the code as a single unit. It takes a constrained and concentrated approach, blocking complicated dependencies and interactions beyond the concerned unit of code.

  • Partial Regression Testing

Partial regression testing is performed as and when new codes are added to an existing piece of code, as the name implies. The main goal of this test is to confirm that the system is operating in the same manner as it did previously.

  • Complete Regression Testing

In the case that major changes happen in test code, this is the regression testing method to apply. This is utilized primarily when there is a significant modification to the software's underlying code. In the final test before delivering the application to the user, this is useful in resolving unexpected issues.

When Regression testing is required for an application: -

Every time, if anything is changed in an application, regression testing should be done. It can just be an upgrade to a third-party component, a change in settings, or a modification in the code. After making changes, Tester can be sure that the code continues to perform as expected and has not been negatively impacted by the modifications by running tests again.

Regression testing is essential in the following scenarios in particular:

Bug Fixing: Regression testing the application's impacted areas after a bug fix is recommended to ensure that no new issues were caused by the fix.

Compatibility of an application:  Regression testing is important for evaluating a piece of application's compatibility with various browsers, operating systems, or hardware platforms to make sure that the functionality is still there and functions as intended.

Release of an application: Regression testing is very important before releasing a new version of the application to make sure that all of the current functionality still functions as intended and that no new defects have been added.

How Regression testing is performed for an application:

Regression testing can be done via Manual or Automation. We need to do this by 3 steps as Planning, Execution & Retrospection

Planning of Regression Testing: 

•    Select the area where regression needs to be done.
•    Prioritize then in case we confront a limited time.
•    Compile the estimated effort levels.
•    Share the revised effort estimates with the client to ensure that everyone is on the same page.


•    Create testing environments and deploy the most recent build that is released.
•    Execute each feature which is fully implemented, along with the test suites that were expected during the planning phase.
•    If necessary, use tools to speed up the testing process.
•    Test case execution should be documented or tracked.
•    Report issues or anomalies and link them to test cases to figure out the root reasons.


After completing the Regression testing thoroughly, testing team should talk about the following:
• Things that went wrong during testing
• Things that did not go well
• Area of Improvement


Black Box Testing
Bug Fixing
Regression Testing
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