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D365 Customer Engagement vs Dynamics CRM- Time for an upgrade

By Himanshu on 1/14/2020

Two years back a huge storm on Dynamics thrashed the CRM world. In 2016 The Dynamics 365 was set out in the market making much buzz about its features and different other aspects. Thus the companies who were the users of Dynamics CRM were in huge trouble, some changed their CRMs while others got much impatient about it. Now the big question that arises is that is it a wise decision to change or even switch to Dynamic 365? Let’s take a close view of it!


What is Dynamics 365?


Dynamics 365 isn’t a nascent software but it the combination of ERP and CRM to make data stay in one place leaving behind problems of Data scattering. If taken a close look it can be defined that Dynamic 365 is the same Dynamic model under the umbrella of the later.


What’s the Difference between Dynamics 365 and Dynamics?


The portions like Sales, Field Service, Customer Service, and Engagement of the Dynamics 365 is the same part of that of the older Dynamics model. The CRM thus produced is almost the same for both but Microsoft has released a set of new updates and clarification for improving its Dynamics 365 customer engagement version. The newest version of this released in 2018 has a new app called the “Dynamics 365 AL for Sales” which uses machine learning to give a view of the data-driven insights and helps the companies to make decisions that are more up to the mark and quick.


Some Features of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement


AI and Machine Learning


United Interface: Microsoft has released a newer interface in 2017 by which the new users can benefit to some extent. This helps in standardizing a more mobile-friendly resolution which is regardless of the screen space, orientation and other kinds of stuff.


Improved LinkedIn Interactions: LinkedIn data is woven finely with Dynamics 365 customer engagement thereby taking help from the MS Relationship. People from the sales sphere will be able to connect people of their sphere more often and without any barriers.


Developer Tools: Dynamics CRM offers a free Development Sandbox to its users with 25+ licenses. However, when Dynamics 365 is taken in view all the users are allowed to get a free development Sand kit thus increasing the amount of development in each of the user's databases.


Thus, the companies still bearing the Dynamics CRM will have lesser updates than those who have already switched to Dynamics 365 customer engagement. Now many might ask why Dynamics 365 when the previous one has well settled to is company. Then the answer might be that whether the new one is with more bugs or lagging one has to switch to the new one now or in the future because the newer ones are the future!

Dynamics CRM
D365 Customer Engagement vs Dynamics CRM
dynamics 365 customer engagement plan
MS Dynamics
MS Dynamics 365
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