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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


How to create a team and add users to it.

By Himanshu on 10/1/2015

In this blog it is explained how to create a team in MS CRM and to add member/user in it. 

MS CRM 2013
How add members in Teams
How to create team in MS CRM
MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2015

How to create a new theme in SharePoint 2013 ?

By Lalit Uttam on 9/18/2015

In SharePoint 2013 we have an option to create a new theme & apply it or existing theme to change the Look & Feel of the site.You can also apply themes on out of the box Master Pages & custom Master Pages.Theming is a good option to change the look & feel of the site.To create new themes first go to site setting, Under the Web Designer Galleries click on composed looks. Please see the below screen shot. You will see many themes listed in the List. These are share point default themes.For creating a new theme please click on New Item Link inside the + sign. You will see a form where you need to enter the required fields.  In the Title Box put the Title Name of the theme. In the Name box put the Name of the theme. In the Master Page URL Put the URL of the Master Page likehttps://xrmlabspvtltd.sharepoint.com/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.masterYou will see the next column that is Theme URL. Theme Gallery contains the list of Color Palettes and Font Schemes that are make-up Themes in Sh ...

How to use Enterprise Metadata and Keyword Settings in SharePoint 2013

By krishna on 9/15/2015
An enterprise keyword is a word or phrase that is added to items on a SharePoint site. Enterprise Keywords is a default column that is turned on out of the box in SharePoint. Enterprise Keywords is a managed metadata column Enterprise keywords are a good way to the people who use the content.
SharePoint 2013
Enterprise Metadata and Keyword setting in SharePoint 2013
Search Content to Metadata
Search Metadata in List or Document Library SharePoint 2013

Missing site templates found during site collection health check

By krishna on 9/9/2015

Today I am going you to share another blog related to missing site templates when I have upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. I have faced a problem for health checkup that missing site templates found during site collection.

SharePoint 2013
Health Checker 2013
Missing Site Template Sharepoint 2013
Upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

How to import solution to Crm

By Himanshu on 9/4/2015

How to import solution to Crm 

How to Import Solution in CRM
MS CRM 2011
MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2015

How to create a solution and how to export it.

By Himanshu on 9/3/2015

The process for creating a solution in MS CRM 2013 and how to export it is explained in this blog.

Export solution from crm
MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2015

How to use “Save Site as Template” features in Publishing Site SharePoint 2013

By krishna on 8/12/2015

In this blog I will show how to use already saved site templates. “Save Site as a Template” link will not appear in site settings page if you created your site as a publishing web site.

SharePoint 2013
Custom Site Template Publishing Site Sharepoint 2013
Custom Site Template Sharepoint 2013

How to use SharePoint sub site security permission

By krishna on 7/22/2015

In this Blog I have describe that how to access sub site from authentication user or group. First of all we need to create a sub site in site content. For doing this I have describe following steps to create a sub site in SharePoint..... 

SharePoint 2013
Create new sub site sharepoint 2013
SharePoint 2013
sub site user permission

Tab Web part Use to SharePoint 2013

By krishna on 7/2/2015
Tab Web part is not an OOTB web part of SharePoint 2013. It makes to jQuery and jQuery UI CSS. I have implemented this to many project. Here are following steps implement to SharePoint web part page...
SharePoint 2013
Tab Web part Sharepoint 2013
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