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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


Customizations in Microsoft Dynamics 365

By Abhay Choudhary on 7/13/2021

As we discussed in our previous article Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes with a plethora of options we can use to customize the CRM according to our needs without writing any code. We can alter the complete look and feel of how a form views dashboard and many other components right from the CRM solutions page. Microsoft dynamics 365 provides us a solution page which to put it in simple words is like a customization profile area where we can create different customization and save them for better modularity


We can tailor our app to suit it well with our business model, and to do so we should be Familiar with at least few most used terms



Entity refers to an item which we can track details of for example contacts and accounts entities to track field properties. It can be used to customize according to the business for e.g. a school can use students and teachers entities



A property of an entity, such as company name, location, phone number, etc.

Customizing this we can define the type of data an entity tracks



Forms as the name suggest containing a set of data fields for a given entity which the organizations would want to track info of. Customizing Forms we can create custom forms that can have fields that we can set to require or modify the existing ones


Business process flow 

Business process flow provides us with a preset way we have to follow to achieve a task. We can customize business process flow according to the business to create a business process flow based on our specific stages


There are many other terms that we must get familiar with if we want to get the best out of Microsoft Dynamics 365, we can take the example of workflows that can be used easily to automate repetitive tasks which will save time and result in increased productivity. Similarly, we can read the official documentation provided by Microsoft to understand in detail the aspects we can customize Even though Dynamics 365 provides a lot of user-friendly customization options which can be achieved without prior coding knowledge, there are scenarios where we want to achieve even finer customization or automation. We can use JavaScript and C# for that purpose which we will cover in our next blog

MS CRM 2013
MS CRM 2016
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