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How to create a workflow in Business Central

By Himanshu on 6/15/2020

In my last blog I have showed you how to create workflow user groups. Today in this blog I will show how to use these workflow user groups in workflow. Link to my previous blog is (How to Create workflow user groups in Business central

Workflows link different users’ interrelated tasks. Two very common uses of workflows are approvals and requests to create new records, Things like payment approvals can also be included in workflows as an automated step before or after a predefined user task.

Step 1: Search workflow in the search box and select Workflow from the list.

Step 2: Click “New Workflow from Template”

Step 3: Select “Purchase Order Approval Workflow” as this workflow we are creating will be executing on purchase orders.

Step 4: Following window will open.

Step 5: Click on the “On Condition” First row stating “Document Type: Order, status: Open”

Step 6: Add new filter as shown below click on “+ Filter” icon

Step 7: Select Department code “IT” as whenever this department will be selected in Po this workflow will be executed.

Step 8: Enter the amount value with condition. Like in our case we have entered less than $10K then this workflow will be executed.

Step 9: In next step add record restriction.

Step 10: Select a required action item from the list. In our case we have selected “Create Approval Request”

Step 11: In next step select “Approver Type” as Workflow user group” and click Ok.

Step 12:  In Workflow user group code select the workflow user code which we have already created with set of users in it. In our case we will be using Po-IT-9999

Step 13: Activate this workflow by clicking this enable button as highlighted in screen shot below.

Step 14: This action will enable the workflow to be called by system when the condition set in this workflow is true.

Step 15: Similarly, as the above process told I have created another workflow for PO amount greater than equal to $10000.

Step 16: In next step select “Approver Type” as Workflow user group”

Step 17: Enter the values for amount and department for this workflow also same as we can entered for the first one.  

Step 18: Approve this workflow.

Step 19: In next step to check if my workflow is working or not. I have created a PO 106007 of amount less than $10000 after creating my PO record I tried to release it. As shown in the screen shot below.

Step 20: As you can see below in the screen shot the system gave a message to the user that this PO can only be released when the approval process is over. So, it verifies that the workflow which we created for amount less than $10000 is working fine.

Similarly, if a PO of amount greater than $10000 will be created in that case also the system will ask to the user that this PO can only be released when the approval process is over.

Business Central
How to create a workflow in Business Central
workflow in Business Central
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