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MS CRM 2011 Unable to restore SQL Server enterprise database to SQL Server 2012

By xrmlabs webmaster on 1/18/2013
Hi All,

Few days back we were migrating our MS CRM 2011 databases from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2012 edition when we we encountered the following problem. 

Database 'YOURORG_MSCRM' cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a partition function 'AuditPFN'. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning.
Database 'YOURORG_MSCRM' cannot be started because some of the database functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 905)

After searching a bit on the web I found that this problem is causes if your were using MS CRM 2011 on SQL server Enterprise edition. MS CRM 2011 creates a partition for Audit when running on SQL server enterprise edition. To solve this problem you will have to drop indexes and other references from the MS CRM SQL Server database.

For doing so please use the following command. Before executing the following command I will strongly recommend that you back up your database and restore it with a different name and then try the following command on the new database instance. 

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.partition_schemes WHERE name='AuditPScheme')
  CASE WHEN ind.type != 1
    'DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].' + QUOTENAME(ind.name) + ' '
   ELSE ' '
  END +
  'CREATE ' + CASE is_unique WHEN 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END  +
  ind.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(ind.name  COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS )  + ' ON [dbo].' +  QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(object_id)) + ' (' +
   SELECT name + CASE WHEN sc.is_descending_key = 1 THEN ' DESC' ELSE ' ASC' END + ','
    sys.index_columns sc
    JOIN sys.columns c ON sc.object_id = c.object_id AND sc.column_id = c.column_id
    OBJECT_NAME(sc.object_id) = 'AuditBase' AND
    sc.object_id = ind.object_id AND
    sc.index_id = ind.index_id
   ORDER BY index_column_id ASC
        )), 2, 8000)) + ')' +
  CASE WHEN ind.type = 1
    ' '
  END  as Script
 INTO #indexesScript
 FROM sys.indexes ind
 JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps on ind.data_space_id=ps.data_space_id
  OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'AuditBase'
  AND ps.name = 'AuditPScheme'
  AND is_unique_constraint = 0
 SELECT * FROM #indexesScript
 DECLARE @recreateScript nvarchar(max)
 SELECT Script FROM #indexesScript
 OPEN indScript
 FETCH NEXT FROM indScript INTO @recreateScript
  Execute sp_executesql @recreateScript
  IF @@ERROR > 0
   declare @message varchar(max)
   set @message = 'Audit history recreate index failed. SQL: ' + @recreateScript
      RAISERROR (@message, 10,1)
  FETCH NEXT FROM indScript INTO @recreateScript  
 CLOSE indScript  
 DROP TABLE #indexesScript

Running the above script will give you the following output.

CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [cndx_PrimaryKey_Audit] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (CreatedOn DESC,AuditId DESC) WITH (DROP_EXISTING = ON) ON 
DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].[ndx_PrimaryKey_Audit] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ndx_PrimaryKey_Audit] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (AuditId ASC,CreatedOn DESC)
DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].[ndx_ObjectId] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ndx_ObjectId] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (ObjectId ASC,CreatedOn DESC)
DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].[ndx_UserId] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ndx_UserId] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (UserId ASC,CreatedOn DESC)
DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].[fndx_ObjectTypeCode] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [fndx_ObjectTypeCode] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (ObjectTypeCode ASC,CreatedOn DESC)
DROP INDEX [dbo].[AuditBase].[ndx_SystemManaged_Audit] CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ndx_SystemManaged_Audit] ON [dbo].[AuditBase] (CallingUserId ASC,Action ASC,Operation ASC,CreatedOn DESC)

Once done now you can backup the database and it will be restored without any problem on SQL Server 2012

For more information please refer to
Hope this helps 

SQL Sever
MS CRM 2011
SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2012
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