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Effective sales management through CRM-Sales module

By xrmlabs webmaster on 8/17/2013

In every day shopping, we prefer to go to the same shop again and again where the sales person make you feel good and enhance your shopping experience. The ‘Feel good’ factor retains the customer to the same brand and highly influences their preferences and choices, thus resulting in influenced buying behavior.

Buying behavior and prospective clients may be recorded and maintained for future conversion to sales. Manually maintaining customer records and identifying leads for future sales is not an easy task. Rather it is impossible to manually create and maintain the customer database. Sooner or later it will be a mess because of poor maintenance. CRM sales come with a correct solution.

CRM Sales helps in maintaining these records effectively. It separates leads from opportunity. A lead is a prospective client, contact that could be converted to an opportunity. Opportunity means a successful sales deal. It helps the sales team to concentrate more on the prospective clients. The sales cycle is reduced with the use of CRM sales. The sales representatives can focus most of their time in selling rather than finding the prospective clients.

Time and Efforts both are saved due to automating sales process. CRM maintains a record of customer details, past interactions, choices and preferences, and past transactions. This information can help the sales representative track the right customer for successful deal.

The sales process includes a lot of activities that can be automated via CRM:

1)      Lead - It is a prospective client ,

2)      Qualifying lead- collecting more information about the prospective client by contacting him and then decision is taken whether it will be converted in future or not

3)      Opportunity- a qualified lead becomes opportunity, which means that prospective client may be interested in your product otherwise his record is treated as disqualified.

4)      Activity- any activity initiated for providing more details about your product to the customer. It can be any communication via telephone, e-mail, letter, brochure, etc.

5)      Quotes- after this the product and prices are send to the clients.

6)      Order- as soon as the customer accepts the Quotes it is converted into order and an order is placed.

7)      Invoice- once an order is accepted by a customer, the organization sends an invoice to customer for payment.

8)      Sales/Revenue- the successful payment of invoice is the sales. This completes the sales cycle.

Automating these processes with Microsoft Dynamic CRM sales module can save time of the sales team and will result in higher revenue generation and increased profitability as well as productivity of the sales team.

Automating business processes
CRM sales
efficient sales force
Sales team productivity
target based selling
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