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Best Practices and Challenges in Salesforce Testing

By Anurag on 11/17/2023

What is Salesforce Testing?

Salesforce is a business technology that is changing how businesses manage their interactions with customers and spur growth. Robust Salesforce testing is becoming increasingly necessary as companies use it as their primary CRM platform to realize its full potential. However, Salesforce testing is intricate, particularly regarding data management.

The practice of assessing the performance, quality, and functionality of Salesforce apps or customizations is known as Salesforce testing. Testing is done to ensure that Salesforce workflows, triggers, validation rules, custom objects, reports, and integrations all function as intended and satisfy the needs of the business.

Challenges Of Salesforce Testing 

Constant Updates:

Three times a year, in the spring, summer, and winter, Salesforce releases updates to the platform that include new features and issue fixes. For instance, they unveiled the Lightning Experience, a cutting-edge and intuitive user interface that provides a better user experience, better performance, and several productivity tools. Salesforce encourages users to switch from the Classic Experience to Lightning.

Because updates occur frequently, testers must constantly adjust and run automated tests to ensure the application's current functionality still functions as intended.

Overcoming data complexity and data volume challenges:

Look at a real-world example of a business that manages customer data with Salesforce. The company keeps thousands of client records, each containing various associated objects such as opportunities, contacts, and actions. Because of the enormous amount of data, testing scenarios, including capabilities that rely on it, can be challenging.

Addressing Salesforce customization and configuration issues

Salesforce offers many choices for page creation, making it highly customizable. Testing these several iterations is essential because they affect how well your program functions for end users. It needs a comprehensive testing tool to manage the clients' impulsive customizations.

Dynamic Elements:

Because dynamic elements lack stable IDs or locators and are, therefore, challenging to discover and interact with during testing, they can present substantial challenges when testing Salesforce applications. Examples of these elements include pop-ups, dynamic menus, and conditional visibility of fields. When an element's characteristics or properties change, traditional testing methods that rely on static locators may not work as intended.

In testing, dynamic elements might potentially result in timeout problems. For example, the test script should pause and verify that the system responds and that the dynamic element is visible when a tester executes an action that should cause it to appear, such as pressing a button to open a pop-up window, before moving on to additional actions or checks. Since numerous external elements can affect this wait length, testers must establish proper timeout settings to address this.

Salesforce Testing Best Practices

Implementing test data management strategies:

1. For test data to be managed effectively, data analysis is essential.

2. Setting up data should resemble the production environment and can necessitate adding or changing data.

3. Determining when Salesforce test data can be cleaned up requires formulating clear rules.

4. To guarantee user privacy, sensitive data must be recognized and safeguarded throughout testing.

5. Data mistakes can be found by using automation to generate and compare test data.

6. Keeping an organized database of test results helps reduce work and expenses.

Conducting regression testing during Salesforce updates and enhancements:

1. Describe your strategy for regression testing, taking into account environments, automation, reporting on performance, and coverage.

2. Think about the Salesforce lightning compared. Traditional interfaces.

3. Choose test cases according to new features, environment sensitivity, core functionality, and past errors.

4. Regression suites should be updated often to reflect system modifications.

5. Regression testing should be done often, especially after introducing new Salesforce features.

6. For more productivity, automate regression testing, especially for larger enterprises and integrations. Select an automation tool based on the requirements of the testing approach.

Monitoring and analyzing Salesforce test metrics for continuous improvement:

1. Establish pertinent test metrics (such as cycle time, execution results, defect density, and test coverage) that align with the testing objectives.

2. Create a tracking system to capture measurements reliably. For starters, a spreadsheet should work well, but more specialized solutions will be needed as the team grows.

3. Gather and examine test run data regularly to spot patterns and potential improvement areas.

4. Determine areas for improvement (repeated problems, less test coverage, and inefficiencies in the testing process).

5. Take decisive action based on earlier studies.

6. Keep an eye on how adjustments affect the stats.

Best Practices and Challenges in Salesforce Testing
Challenges in Salesforce Testing
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