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Pros and Cons of Automation Testing

By Himanshu on 5/22/2023

Pros and Cons of Automation Testing

Automation testing is a practice that has become increasingly popular in the software development industry. There are many advantages to using automated testing such as improved accuracy, ability to test more complex scenarios, and faster test execution. However, automation testing also has its downsides, such as higher costs for development, increased risk of introducing errors and bugs, and difficulty in debugging. In this essay, we will go over the pros and cons of automation testing and discuss how it should be used within the software development process.

Automation testing is a fast-growing software testing trend that is increasing in popularity and relevance due to improved technology. Automation testing is a process of testing an application/software by using an automation tool. The automation tool executes test cases automatically, executes regression tests automatically, and more. 

However, there are pros and cons of automation testing that any tester should consider before deciding which path to go down.

Pros of Automation Testing

1. Increased Accuracy 
Automation testing can help reduce errors and increase testing accuracy since tests are repeated quickly and automatically. This can help teams ensure better software quality and speed.

2. Speed
Automation testing can help speed up testing significantly since tests can be repeated multiple times and quickly. This can help teams release software in a much faster manner than manual testing which can take much longer.

3. Cost Savings 
Automating tests can save teams the expense of having to hire additional people for manual testing, which can help reduce overhead costs.

4. Improved Test Coverage 
Automation testing can help expand test coverage easily since tests can be executed multiple times quickly and efficiently. This can help teams produce better software in less time.

Cons of Automation Testing 

1. Initial Cost 
One of the biggest cons of automation testing is the cost involved with setting up the automation environment. Automation testing tools can be expensive and it may take time to get the automation environment up and running properly.

2. Maintenance 
Automation testing requires teams to maintain the automated tests over time as the application or software changes. This can take additional effort, time, and money as the tests must be kept up to date.

3. Unreliability 
Automation testing may be unreliable at times if the tests are not properly maintained or if the tests are run too often. This can lead to false-positive or false-negative results, which can impact the accuracy of the tests.

Automation testing can be an effective way to help teams produce better software more quickly and efficiently. However, there are some cons to automation testing that should be taken into consideration before making the decision to move forward with automation. Ultimately, teams must decide which path they want to go down and weigh the pros and cons accordingly before making a decision.

cons of automation
pros of automation
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