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By Abhay Choudhary on 3/12/2021

Have you ever wondered What is automation? What is automated Testing? What is Manual Testing?  Certainly, yes if you are from software background. Well, today we will cover all this terminology of Software Testing which you have come across. Moreover, you will also learn about various types of testing.  Before any further ado, let us start.

What is Testing? 
As the word suggests, testing is to investigate the working of any physical object, device, electrical equipment, etc. in order to gain information about the product.

Now What is Software testing?

It is the investigation done to provide the information about the quality of the software product to the stakeholders. The techniques include the process of executing the program or application with the intent of finding failures and verifying that whether the software is fit for use.
It should:

• meet the requirements according to design and development.
• responds correctly to all input types.
• perform its function which acceptable time.
• sufficiently usable
• installed and run in its planned or desired environments. 
• achieves the general results its stakeholder desires.

 There are various types of testing, they are: 
• Unit
• System
• Regression
• Integration
• Smoke
• Stress
• Alpha
• Beta
• Object Oriented

we will cover these in our next article thoroughly. 

 Now you must be wondering about the new term “Stakeholders”? Aren’t you?
Do not worry, we have got it covered. So, Stakeholders are person or group who has interest in your project and is/are directly involved in it

Let us move to Automation now.

So, what exactly is Automation?
It is creation of technologies with minimal human intervention. Moreover, this is a technique of making a process, an apparatus, or a system to operate automatically. Isn’t it interesting?

Now, Coming to the Automated Testing. What exactly it is?
So, execution of test case suite using various software testing tools like selenium, Appium, QTP with minimal human intervention is known as Automated Testing.

There are various Pros. And Cons. Of Automated testing which are:



· Speed of test execution

· Increase test coverage.

· Can test unattended overnight.

· Support agile development.

· Provide test documentation.

· Detect overlooked error.

· Cost of Implementation.

· Mistakes can lead to errors.

· Can find only part of mistakes.


After covering Automation Testing, let us see what is Manual Testing?
It is the execution of test case suite done manually by Quality Assurance testers. It is done without any assistance from instruments and tools.  



· Anyone can test.

· Easiest for the ones not having prior experience.

· Easiest to improve software quality.

· Focused because of human observation

· Can miss some test cases.

· Can contains human errors.

· Time consuming.

· Exhaustive in looping.


So, we have covered the basics of testing mechanism along with advantages and disadvantages. We will see about the all-testing types in detail in our next article.


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