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How Many Types of Workflow in MS CRM can we create

By Hani Dixit on 8/3/2020

How Many Types of Workflow in MS CRM can we create?

In this blog, we are going to tell you how many types of workflows we can create in Microsoft CRM.

Workflows in MS CRM allow you to automate simple and complex business processes within CRM. You can create workflows using CRM out-of-the-box functionalities, or you can write custom workflows with .Net code to do complex workflows. Workflow processes can run in background or in real-time and if required user input option can be given.

Work flows can be triggered based on specific conditions or can even be started manually by the users. Internally, MS CRM workflows are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation. In this blog, I will be explaining few things about configuring the workflow.

A workflow has the following major parts while configuring it (Following are the steps) −

·       You Configure the entity on which to run the workflow

·       You Configure whether the workflow will run synchronously or asynchronously

·       You Configure the message (event) on which the workflow will run

·       You Configure the scope in which the workflow will run

·       You Configure the stages and steps (actions) of the workflow

Synchronous and Asynchronous Workflow

While creating a workflow, you will see the option to Run this workflow in the background (recommended) means whether this workflow will run in real-time (synchronously) or in background (asynchronously).

However, the recommended approach is to run the workflows in the background since they use system resources as and when available. But, you can always switch back and vice versa.

Workflow Messages

Workflows can be registered and executed on specific events as follows −

·       Any record is created in crm

·       Any record status changes

·       Any record is assigned

·       Any record field value changes

·       Any record is deleted

Workflow Scope

Workflows allows you to set the scope in which the workflow you want to run.

Following are the supported workflow scopes −

·       User Workflow will run only on the records owned by the same user as the workflow users.

·       Organization - Workflow will run on records owned by any users in CRM.

·       Business Unit - Workflow will run on the records owned by the users of the business unit same as the workflow users.

·       Parent Child Business Units - Workflow will run on the records owned by the users of the business unit same as the workflow users as well as any child business units.

Following are the workflow steps

Workflows in CRM are a grouping of series of steps which the workflow will following. You can even split these steps in logical stages according to your need. Following these steps are supported by CRM workflows –

Conditional Steps-         

·       Check Condition - Specifies a logical “if (condition) - then” the statement.

·       Conditional Branch - Specifies a logical “else – if – then” the statement. It can only be used with a Check Condition.

·       Default Action - Specifies a logical “else” the statement. It can only be used with a Check Condition.

Wait Steps-

·       Wait Condition - It Waits until a specific condition is met. It Not applicable for real-time workflows.

·       Parallel Wait Branch - specifies an optional wait condition with a set of additional steps that can be performed after meeting the initial criteria.

Action Steps-

·       Create Record – This Creates a record of the specified entity with the specified default values.

·       Update Record - This Updates the selected record with specified or dynamic values.

·       Assign Record - This Assigns the selected record to a user or team.

·       Send Email - This Sends an email.

·       Perform Action - This Specifies the custom workflow steps (and actions). These custom steps are developed by a CRM developer.

·       Change Status - This Changes the status of the selected record.

·       Stop Workflow - This Stops the current workflow.


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