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CRM Testing Detects Quality Issues and Improves Customer Relation

By Himanshu on 1/16/2020

CRMs have occupied the markets of the Software industry to huge levels. But there always exists a problem that needs to be given absolute attention to. Certain CRM firms have reported about the bugs and the untimely restoring of the same has lead companies to bitter the relation with the users. So if the CRMs have such problems then it needs to be updated, documented and clarified by the company before using it with the users. Hence here comes the need for outside or even internal Testing team which will check the CRM and its usage.


Features than can be improved by introducing a Testing Team


Unhappy Customers: Customer management system can be improved which in turn can improve the undue notification of Customer application. This team can also keep a keen look at the complaints and faults issued by its customer thus to faster the process of recovery of any internal problem with ease.


Information Leakage: If a specific CRM doesn’t take care and maintain the rules and regulations of international business data then it may lead to the leaking of confidential data provided by the company which in turn can be a huge boomerang for the company.


The areas which can be Tested by CRM


CRM Functionality: The functionality of CRM is to check whether all the functions present in it is in full working condition. Specialists look into the fact that the Testing, Marketing and Customer Service functions are up to date and need no further updates. The team makes sure that it duly clears all the error messages with the unwanted trash ones thus to keep the portals in absolutely clear form.


CRM Data Quality: Data quality and data warehouse must be the frontiers of any CRM testing scheme. During Data Quality check experts look into the matter whether data is handled by it as expected. Whether the data are partially or fully represented in the specific portions also it is very important for the view of graphs and tables attached to the data are represented in the same manner as it had to. However, the Data Warehouse gives a wide view of whether the CRM is populated with unnecessary data and thus with the help of proper guidance helps to get rid of it.


CRM Security: This test is a series of tests that include Ethical Hacking, Security Auditing and Security Scanning just to clinch that the client base and other data secured by the client are hack free and hence is in a safe condition. One of the biggest features of this test is to validate that the right person gets the right access and that nobody is given excess control.


CRM performance: This test is conducted so that the employees working with the CRMs do not have o wait for the computers to take commands from the CRMs for too long. This test is to ensure that the CRM works rapidly in peak times with maximum workloads on it. Also, the fat of multiple users comes into play when a certain portal is being accessed by many users at a given time then it should work with absolute determination and without any lagging.

These were some of the testing’s that need to be done with CRMs without which problems of Lagging and data Hacking and many more things can happen. Thus we need to make sure that our CRMs are safe and are protected by the right authority.

MS CRM Testing
Testing Team
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