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Communication Channels Between Offshore and Onsite Development Teams

By Himanshu on 12/13/2019

Business has changed more than one could have ever predicted. Remote teams and agile technologies have disrupted the age-old office face-to-face work methodology. While multiple leaders in their own spheres opt to award projects, both Development and Support, it opens up a horizon to firms from countries like India, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore. However, communication might open pop up to be one of the most unavoidable problems in such an arrangement. Despite video calls and con calls overnight, it often gets stretched in terms of matching time zones and business deliverables. 

We list down 7 top points to maintain while working with an Offshore team on a Development project. 


Share the vision, culture and engagement models with Offshore teams: Often the problem lies in the difference of work cultures and employee engagement models. It only helps those Offshore to connect with their clients on an emotional and cultural level if they are made aware of client direction, focus points and definition of success. 

A Strong Bond Between Onsite & Offshore teams: One of the most critical aspects of being able to get the best out of Offshore teams is how the Onsite team is wired in terms of deploying work and taking handovers. A strong mix of senior and junior members on both sides makes friction disappear. 

Trust before you Distrust: With business proving to be more agile and profit-centric, ideas can come from anywhere. So, make it a point to distribute trust in action and withdraw the same when it does not pay off. 

Focus on Training besides Work: While work can get overwhelming at times, it is equally important to keep training your Offshore and Onsite members as well from time to time. This keeps them in sync with technologies and ideation processes. 

Choose your Team wisely: It is important to have a certain level of expertise on the subject matter before you start work, so when you hire, make sure you’re hiring folks who’ve worked in a similar project or technology or environment before. 

Appreciate, at all times: Appreciation plays a big role when performance and output is monitored from a distance. Face to face, things may be clearer than when it’s in writing or over emails or chat. Make sure you send out appreciation mails from time to time and also during meetings and presentations. 

Choose teams willing to Change: Business changes are inevitable. So, teams that are suited to a system where there’s a reluctance to change can create a void in deliverables. Choose teams that are ready to change and move from tech to tech at short notice.

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MS Dynamics CRM Offshore and Onsite Development Teams
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