This product is a part of the Microsoft Dynamics family, and is designed to help with finance, manufacturing, customer relationship management, supply chains, analytics and electronic commerce for both Small and Medium-sized Enterprise businesses.
Following are some of the basic sales operations that you can perform in Microsoft Navision:
A. Insert and Delete -
1. Navigate to Home>Sales Orders
2. Select Sales Order number and then click Edit.
3. From the Lines FastTab, put the cursor on the column header.
4. Right-click and select New Line (CTRL+INS).

5. To delete the new line,Right Click and select New Line(CTRL+DEL)

6. Click OK
B. Using Filters -
* Using Single Filter -
1 .Navigate to Home>Sales Order
2. Press F3 to go to quick filter
3. Click the dropdown arrow of the filter field and select Sell-to Customer Name.
4. In the text field on the left, type "fairway" and press ENTER.

5.Select Sales Order 104015, and then click Edit.
6. Now we can see the filtered Sales Orders.
7. Click OK
* Using An Advanced Filter -
1. Navigate to Home>Items
2. Click Expand to make advanced filter option available
3. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field, and then select Assembly BOM.
4. Click the drop-down arrow and enter a value,and then select No
5. Add Filter
6. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field,and then select Cost is Adjusted.
7.Click the drop-down arrow and enter a value,and then select No.
8. Add Filter
9. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field,and then select Vendor No.
10. Click the drop-down arrow and enter a value,and then select 20000.
11. Add Filter.
12. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field,and then select Unit Price.
13. Type "125.10" as the value, and then press ENTER.

14. The Items page is now limited to 5 items.
15. Click OK.
C. Using Filter Criteria -
1. Navigate on left menu to Departments
2. Click Purchase>Planning>Vendors
3. Expand the Filter pane
4. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field, and then select Country/Region Code .
5. Click the drop-down arrow and enter the value,select GB
6. Add Filter
7. Click the drop-down arrow of the Where field,and then select Contact
8.Click the drop-down arrow and enter the value,and then enter ''

9.Notice the vendor page is limited to three vendors to meet the criteria
D. Using a Filtered View -
1. Navigate to Home>Role Center
2. Click Manage List on the My Customers part.
3. In the Customer No. field, enter 10000 and then press enter
4. In the Customer No. field, enter 40000 and then press enter
5. In the Customer No. field, enter 50000 and then press enter

6. Click OK to close the Edit – My Customers page.
E. Using Navigate Page -
1. Navigate to Home>Customers
2. Click Customers 10000 (The Cannon Group PLC)
3. On the Navigate Tab,click Ledger Entries

4.You can now view the existing Ledger records in the system.
