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Guidelines to write an effective test case

By Himanshu on 9/10/2022

Ability to write effective test case it can be acquire by testing experience and carefully studying the requirement and the software that is going through test. In this blog I will discuss how to write an effective test case. While creating a test case it should be well categorized like functional, business, navigational, validation error, etc.  To get a better understanding to the case as looking to its category user will know it is related to which part of the application/software. 

Let me first describe what is a test case? A test case is a set of actions with expected result and actual result, a bug is created when the actual result differs from the expected result when going through a test case.

  •  It is very essential to have the understanding of the requirement while writing the test case do not just assume some requirement and create  a test case  these  types of assumption should be avoided.
  •  Assumptions should only be based on the requirements. Any requirements which are not clear ask them to BA business requirement. Testers should not ask  these questions to developers.
  •  The test case should cover asked functionality mention in SRS document.
  •  Avoid creation duplicate test cases.
  •  Cases which are generic should be combined together to a test suite, It helps to reduce the effort of writing common test cases each time also be re used over  and over again.
  •  Testing Priority should always be put in test case. When these cases will be test then high priority test cases are tested first then medium and Low priority ones  later.
  •  Writing test cases tester should keep in mind that test cases should be simple and stress-free to understand. Test cases should not be written as or  explanations like essays. It should be point to point try to keep it short and understandable.
  •  The test input data is also very important the input data should validate the range of input value. Test case should also check the systems behaviour in normal  and abnormal conditions.
  •  When creating test cases a tester should focus on real life scenarios first which includes day to day activity which will be performed by software.
  •  One last thing to keep in mind “Every test case may or may not have defect/bug created to it, but each defect/bug should have test case related to it.”

 Every test case should have these following details:

  • Test case id – (Unique Identifier for the case in PSD system)
  • Test case Title – (It is a short description of test case)
  • Test case Summary – (Full explanation of test case and additional facts/figures required for the test case to be executed)
  • Test Steps – (Actual scenario step to be executed)
  • Test Priority – (High priority, medium and Low priority)
  • Excepted Result – (Normal result expected these result)
  • Actual result – (Current findings from the test)
  • Test Case Status(Pass/Fail)
  • Comments/Remark’s – (Additional tester Comments)


Testing Tools
good and effective test
Guidelines to write an effective test case
how to write test case
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