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To remain competitive your organisation must be efficient across the business process spectrum. To do so you need to take sound decisions based on a balance between the cost and risk. To do so you will be heavily dependent on your content management in itself needs...


How to write XML dynamically through code at button click and to store in project directory without giving location.

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/28/2013

Step 1 Develop UI as per requirement like Name, Branch, Address, Pin Code, Mobile No Add namespaces

MS CRM 2011

Guest Blogs(Requirement of the current trend)

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/28/2013

Now a days, There is a trend of posting and writing guest blogs. Basically guest blog is just like a piece of writing, which will be posted or published on someone else site or blog. Now there is a question that why we post our blog to someone else site or blog. Actually, you can embed your site or company site’s links, By which your site has been some opportunity to be visited by those, who would never intended to. There are lots of benefits by writing Guest blogs. • Increasement of Traffic   Increasing traffic is the basic need of the site owner, he always want more traffic on our blog or site. The best way is too increase the traffic is to write blog post entry, you can do it by written on your site as well as another sites. By written a blog on another site will increase or attract the traffic of other blogs to your site.On the web , every site owner wants there site visible. Now these days guest posting is a very good tool to increase online visibility. & ...


Java Script Scrolling a message at the status bar of the web page

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/24/2013

By this simple  piece of java script code you can scroll a message on the webpage .The message is called on the body load of the page .

Java script
scrolling message

Check Box Utilities in ASP.NET

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/24/2013

By this article I want to just describe the utility of check box and compare to the radio buttons . In the radio button list user is restricted to select at least one selection user can not escape the choice but in the check box list user is not restricted to select a choice even he can go for no choice also .

Check box

Java Script Wishing according to time span

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/24/2013

By this simple piece of java script code you can say good morning , good evening ,……. To the logged in user . The logic is quite simple the web page takes the system time and according to the time part the messages  are created and displayed so  messages are displayed regardless of the country time.

Java script

MS CRM 2011 Retrieving Entity Type Code or ETC

By xrmlabs webmaster on 4/19/2013
If you are looking to get the Entity Type Code or ETC (as it is generally known as) dynamically for any entity name in your web resource in MS CRM, you should use the MetaData service to do so. The MetaData service in MS CRM 2011 will retrieve all the Meta information about an entity. This information includes the display name of the entity, the logical name of the entity and all other information about its relationship status etc. However the information that we are interested in here is the "ObjectTypeCode". 

How to build your MetaData service? For building a MetaData service you can use sample code provided in the CRM SDK itself. (samplecode\js\soapforjscript\soapforjscript\scripts). The name of the file is sdk.metadata.js.
This javascript file has a function by name RetrieveAllEntitiesAsync. This function fetches all the entities with with their MetaData information. On success this function returns you entityMetadataCollection. Now all you need to do is to loop over entities and get the Object Type Code. Please follow the code below to get the Object Type Code or ETC.

function successRetrieveAllEntities(entityMetadataCollection) {
   for (var i = 0; i < entityMetadataCollection.length; i++) {
      var entity = entityMetadataCollection[i];
      var objTypeCode = entity.objectTypeCode;

This is a supported way of getting etc or ObjectTypeCode of an entity. 
Hope this helps. 
Entity Type Code
MetaData service
MS CRM 2011

Auditing: An Out Of Box feature of Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011

By xrmlabs webmaster on 3/30/2013

Audit History is an Out Of Box functionality of Microsoft CRM 2011 that is used to track the changes in a whole entity or particular fields on entity. For example you can track that who has changed address field of a contact record, what is old & new value of address & when it has been changed etc. You can see these by going to “Audit History” in the left pane of an entity in which auditing is enabled.

MS CRM 2011

Dynamic Dropdownlist in ASP.NET by a text file

By xrmlabs webmaster on 3/26/2013

Dynamic Dropdownlist in ASP.NET by a text file  

ASP.NET Dynamic Drop down list

Manage Relationship Behavior in Dynamic CRM 2011

By xrmlabs webmaster on 3/26/2013

This blog article is all about relationship behaviour between two MS CRM 2011 entities. We all know that in Dynamic CRM 2011 there are three type of relationship they are 1: N, N: 1 and N: N but little is know about the relationship behaviour that each of these relationship type possesses. There are four relationship behaviour in CRM 2011. The relationship behaviour feature of MS CRM controls the resulting action that will happen if a related entity record is deleted, Assigned, Shared, Unshared, Reparent and Merged. These behaviours can be controlled by going to settings of the relationship. 

MS CRM 2011
Relationship Behavior

Use Fetch Xml for query in Plug-in

By xrmlabs webmaster on 3/26/2013

Fetch XML is a really handy way of retrieving data from CRM. It is easy to construct complex query and really simple to execute. In this blog article I will explain how you can execute fetch XML query in Dynamic CRM 2011 or CRM online. To start you will first need to download a fetch xml from advanced find and then use the RetrieveMultiple method of the CRM Service to execute the Fetch XML.

First go to Advanced d find and select the entity on which you need to make query

Following is the fetchxml retrieve from Advance Find:

String fetchXml = @"'1.0'?>
'false' mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform' version='1.0'>
          'lastname'/> 'firstname'/>
                                  'contactid'/> 'false' attribute='telephone'/>                                 'and'>
                                     'vdbwc1_vip' value='1' operator='eq'/>

All now that is left is to send a fetch request. This can simply be done by using the following code.

EntityCollection EC = _service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml));
if (EC != null && EC.Entities != null && EC.Entities.Count >= 1)
     foreach (Entity E in EC.Entities)
         Guid entityId = E.Id;

Above code shows how RetrieveMultiple method is used to retrieve EntityCollection from fetchxml.
Hope this helps. Happy Coding !!

Fetch XML
MS CRM 2011
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