Email marketing is one of the best ways to engage customers, and MailChimp is one of the best tools. Microsoft Power Automate makes it easy to manage contacts between your organization and MailChimp.
In this blog, we will look into how we can add a new member to MailChimp's list using Microsoft Power Automate.
For this example, let us suppose we need to add the contact created in CRM to a MailChimp list.
Creating the flow
First, navigate to and login with your client credentials.
Then create a new Automated cloud flow as shown below.
Enter name as you want and select the When a record is created trigger for CDS as shown below.

Now select the environment, entity name, and scope.

Now add a new step and search for Mailchimp. You will see an action named Add member to list, select that, and you will be asked to sign-in to MailChimp.

After clicking the sign-in button, you’ll be prompted to login. Login to MailChimp with your credentials and authorize power-apps.
If the authentication process successful you will be able to see the current lists from MailChimp, fill the appropriate details as shown below.

Now save the flow and test it by creating a new contact in the CRM. If all goes well, you will be able to see the newly added member in the list in MailChimp with the source as Microsoft Power Platform.